Monday, July 28, 2008
Here's an Ephiany I nearly missed!!
So I'm getting ready for church. Grant it some people don't understand why its so important for me to look my best in public, after all I am the FAT chick. But for me I don't want to stand out as the sloppy fat chick or the fat chick with no style. I haven't given into being fat. I have accepted it but not given in to it. So, as I'm getting dressed for church, find my top which is usually the problem for me. Carefully select the top and the pants or skirt will be easy. Well yesterday I selected a top I love, It's black and gray and white. and of course no print or florals........ every fat chicks worst enemy!! So then I grab my black slacks, I bought them in Feb. and they fit fine then. But on me they looked horrible. They were too big. So I grabbed the gray slack which I purchased the same time, same basic pant - different color. And for some odd reason they didn't fit either. I was late and this was ticking me off. I grabed a black skirt. and it looked awful with that top. Minutes later my closet looked like hurricane "Faye" had struck. I finally reached for the last skirt hanging, a gray skirt that I hadn't worn in forever because it was too tight. It fit finally!!! Ieft the house in a huff cuz now I was late.You're thinking, if it's such a problem then why not get your stuff ready the night before, right. Well I have a good answer for that! It's 2 fold. I don't know if really dare share my deep dark secret..... okay because we're friends here goes. Hello, my name is Faye and I'm an emotional dresser. Whew there I said it! I dress emotionally. What I feel I look good in at night my not be how I feel in the morning. So rather than do it twice I just wait. And the other reason is things don't fit the same from night to day. I don't know why that is, it just is.In all of that I didn't stop to notice the positive. Some things are just too big. Dang! I missed it!! I didn't get to enjoy the moment because I was so stressed on what to wear!!! How wrong was I? How sad is that? I get what I've been waiting for and miss the whole point.