Tuesday, September 30, 2008

what's up! All kinds of adventures!!!

Okay today I'm drinking the phospho soda! All I ate was some cereal early this a.m. I weighed in at 241 this morning. NOW --- Wait for it......243? What the heck it's not my scale don't try to console me with that! It's just how my body works. LOL. AND----I've been so consumed with getting my work in order that I forgot to get my blood work done yesterday. So of course I remember at 4:30 am and panic. I jumped out of bed showered got ready for bed, took the kids to school and high tailed my butt to Kaiser got my blood work done. Praise God most of the results are already in. And got an email from the Dr. that everythings good!!! Thank you JESUS that when I'm week you're my strength!!!

Hope that losing side is not has room for me!!!

All over this site that I go to for advise, people comment on "now being on the losing side of the bench". In less than 24 hours I'll be there too! I thank God for his faithfulness when I'm not.I thank God for his goodness when I'm not.I thank God for his mercy, when there are times I show little to none.I thank God for his LOVE, when there are times I show no love.I thank God for his promises when I cannot keep mine.I thank God for his commitment when I cannot keep mine.I know that God has brought me this far by HIS grace!I'm so looking forward to lessening the amounts of meds I have to take. I'm swallowing 13 pills at a time. Taking an average of 4 insulin shots a day. How did this happen? I did it to myself. The utter lack of self control brought me to this point. So now I need to have this radical thing done to my body to enable me to try to alleviate the diseases that have plagued me for years. You cannot really tell anyone to make these changes. It won't work!!! It's something that has to happen from the inside. If you want to help someone suffering from being "heavy". Just pray for them, that the will gain the self control they need, and that they will "come to that place". I hope to post soon. Keep me in your prayers.

Monday, September 29, 2008

We'll just see!

I thought my last day to eat was gonna be consumed with my "final meals" But oddly enough today ( so far ) I don't feel like that at all, I'm actually being extra careful. I guess subconsciously I don't want to have to "extract" too much. LOL!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just a THREE short days away now!!

What do you get when you cross a 240 lb woman with a speeding clock? I dunno either but we'll soon find out!!! I cannot believe how fast time is flying. Today in it self was a blur!!! We went to church, oh BTW incase I haven't said how good God is recently lemme tell you he's awesome. He's the just in time God. My Butcah has been working nights for a while. It's definately had its ups and downs. There have been wonderful aspects of these hours for him. But there have been some difficulties. But God being God, we just found out that DH goes back to work days at his regular position on MONDAY! Yipee. AND That will not affect his time off for my surgery. Anyway back to church, I was so happy that they prayed for my surgery. I got lots of encouragement today which does mean alot. Okay back to what OH is really for. I'm not sure but I think the iron pills I started is making me constipated!! For the last few days I felt pretty junkie, then early, I mean early this morning it turned around. So all day today it was like where's the next bathroom.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Just 5, count them 5 days!

Everyone's asking if I'm nervous. Hmm I guess I can say overall no. But if I let my self I could potentially work myself up to "nervous". But I just don't have time for it. I have lots to do! And more importantly. God didn't bring me this far to drop me now. This whole thing has come so fast in comparison to others at Fremont Kaiser that I've talked to. Not that I think anything other than God knows what you want, when you need it and the best way for you to have it. And God knows I'm so ready. I've finally come to the point where this is the most important thing next to God and my family. I mean this is it for me. It's truly now or never.