Saturday, January 3, 2009
tuff, tough or tauff....
No matter how you spell it, it's been a day I should never forget! I am to some extent a creature of habbit. I tend to repeat things that gives me joy or thing that took some effort to accomplish. Resturants are things I enjoyed. Being a christian we don't drink, party or go dancin ( I really miss the dancin) so we have built a social life around resturants. Since the surgery I still think of resturants that we can go to as our 'entertainment', I imagine what I'd like to eat, I order it and of course 2 bites then I'm done..... poor DH isn't even done and I'm rushing him out because now that I'm full I hate the thought of being there where others are eating Yuck! I feel guilty but it does make me wanna vomit!!!It happened today we went out for Breakfast, I had toast and a boiled egg. My family just got started and I wanted to chuck just seeing them and HEARING them. I was sooooooo full. About an hour later I was hungry I held out for 3 hours then I was beyond starving. I shared a meal with my son, DH got dessert... about 3 bites I was done then had to watch them scarf down their meal. By the time we got home I was nauseated just from watching them, so I went to bed. sooooooooooo sad! My poor family!