Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Sizes Are Changing

Wow I went shopping on Friday night (you skinny people won't understand, LOL) I wanted to try on some pants. I have soooo many problems with pants, always have. So I wanted to see what size I'm wearing. I have only purchased one pair of jeans since surgery, because they all look bad on me or don't fit. I fit into a 16 pretty good but one style of jeans only worked well in a 14! What? No kidding. I also found a cute top in a - wait for it- 14 too! Dang. Like an infomercial -- But wait theres' more.
So the next day I was hangin wit my homies. We went to lunch THEN TRIED ON CLOTHES that's always been taboo for me. But we did it. I could actually shop with my friends not complain about being in the "Barbie" department. One of the "girls" kept bringing me stuff to try I tried them all some fit some didn't but the shocking thing for me is she brought me a 17 Jrs I didn't even know it exsisted and it fit!! And a Large top and it fit. NOT a 22!!! I felt so good I bought them both. Since I'm going through all these unbelievable changes I don't wanna spend alot on my clothes and it worked out well as my total was like under $20. Sooooooooooo awesome! Thank God for Clearance Sales.

So to recap. In Feb '07 I weighed in at 272lbs. Pre-surgery I weighed in at 239 -- today 14 weeks post op I'm at 192!! Start size slipping between a 22 and 24 now a teetering between 16 and 14's!! No Way!!! And the best part is I'm not done!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I can wear a 14?

Today I bought a size 14 shirt and 14 pant and a Large shirt and a 17 jrs pant! I couldn't believe it when Paula insisted the 17 jr. I was shocked!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Every day you can learn something new.

What I learned today is something I've known for a while. Compliments and I are not friends. I try really hard to not look frumpy no matter what I've weighed. I don't think I've always suceeded but I've tried. So today I was told by a dear and good friend, to stop. Stop what? Here's the example. I've lost 77lbs to date. If someone compliments me I find the negative in it. If they say I look good I follow that up with something bad, just so they know I'm not snowing myself that I'm aware I'm not perfect. The part that struck me was that those who compliement me almost always will say it out of kindness, I minimize their compliments by adding the negative ant that could make them feel bad. THAT'S NOT MY INTENT. I'm sorry to any one that I've offended in this manner. I work hard to keep up my appearance and I thank you for noticing. Pardon me for being so selfish to not accept your compliment more gracefully! I will work on it.

For those who check daily-- no loss today! But it's coming soon!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Nothing to Report.

No: weight change, food change, job, money but I still got JESUS!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Eating is still Bizarre.

Still having trouble getting food down. Cheese Cheese Cheese is all that works but not quite an ounce with 1-3 crackers and Hot Tea. But the lbs are moving.!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

tuff, tough or tauff....

No matter how you spell it, it's been a day I should never forget! I am to some extent a creature of habbit. I tend to repeat things that gives me joy or thing that took some effort to accomplish. Resturants are things I enjoyed. Being a christian we don't drink, party or go dancin ( I really miss the dancin) so we have built a social life around resturants. Since the surgery I still think of resturants that we can go to as our 'entertainment', I imagine what I'd like to eat, I order it and of course 2 bites then I'm done..... poor DH isn't even done and I'm rushing him out because now that I'm full I hate the thought of being there where others are eating Yuck! I feel guilty but it does make me wanna vomit!!!It happened today we went out for Breakfast, I had toast and a boiled egg. My family just got started and I wanted to chuck just seeing them and HEARING them. I was sooooooo full. About an hour later I was hungry I held out for 3 hours then I was beyond starving. I shared a meal with my son, DH got dessert... about 3 bites I was done then had to watch them scarf down their meal. By the time we got home I was nauseated just from watching them, so I went to bed. sooooooooooo sad! My poor family!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year- And watch the lbs DROP!

This morning Jan 1 of 2009 I weighed in at a whopping 196lbs. What more can I say I'm thrilled!!! Who'd a thunk? Now-- I'm not the one in the car who can make it low on one side.I'm having a tough time finding clothing in a "fat chick" store.NONE of my pants fit, but when I try on new ones they look worse -- no legs anymore!I can see the end is nearer!!! I NEVER wanna see those lbs again!