So what's new well lemme see....
- I weigh 186, 86lbs lost! Not just mis-placed!
I am struggling to keep my 17 Jrs jeans on, they are falling off. Not whinin' just stating a fact! I can sag like a gangsta in them.
I CAN and do fit into some size 12 jeans!! Yeppers!!
- I feel flat when I lay down. What the heck does that mean, unless you've been through this you'll NEVER understand.
- Sick? Who me? Yep nearly everyday that I eat dinner at home I get way too full way too fast. I KNOW I'm not getting in enough protien or calories. But I can't! I can eat the following things comfortably for the most part. I can get sick on this but it's usually pretty good!
- 1-2 oz of ham,
- 1/2 to 3/4 of a tostada from Taco Bell -- say it with me oooo healthy.
- Crackers any type no more than 3 or 4
- Baby food- fruit only!!!
- Mexican Pizza from Taco Bell-- again oooo healthy!
But I'm so darn frustrated and feeling so guilty about not eating right I eat what I can. I can take in about 3-4 spoons of clam chowder. Maybe 3-4 oz of Campbells soup. Pozole no longer works for me.
- I drink HOT tea all day long usually just under a gallon over the course of an entire day.
- My hair is seriously falling out FAST!! I mean REally fast! I can now feel my scalp through my hair. I've always had "too much Hair" according to the stylists but now even the stylist I have noticed the change. When I first got my hair cut it was holding that style so well now it's kinda fly away looking. Yeah to those whos hair is already thin, they just don't understand but us think haired people struggle with hair so thin.
- My right knee still hurts. Going up the stairs can be hard at night or first thing in the morning!
- I'm coooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllddddddddddddd so cold! All the time! But I still hate jackets and hold on to my theory "the reason I'm fat is God is preventing me from being a nudest".
- Old, my skin is old and saggy and not in a good way. I could pass for 75 or even 90yrs old if you look at certain areas of my legs or arms. I'll not be able to wear shorts ( which I LIVE in in the Summer) nor will I be able to even wear a regular T-shirt. Tooo much saggy skin. HONESTLY. I'm not being vain her that's the truth!
- I'm considering starting a fundrasing activity to finance my upcoming cosmetic surgeries, you know: Breast, Legs and Arms. Any ideas???
- And last but certainly NOT least. I fit into my 12yr olds jacket. He WANTS me to wear it. He's so proud of his Mama!